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Lasse Lychnell


"My research-driven approach merges inner development with leadership, enhancing performance and well-being. Join me in exploring thought-provoking ideas and empowering techniques to lead with empathy and insight!"

Lasse Lychnell

Discover Solutions for Your Needs

Lasse Lychnell holds a PhD in Management from the Stockholm School of Economics and is an affiliated researcher at the Center for Wellbeing, Welfare and Happiness. Focusing on leadership and inner development, he is a sought-after speaker and respected leader developer with over 15 years of experience.


His offerings include transformational workshops for groups, motivational talks at kick-offs, tailored leadership initiatives for organizations, and coaching for managers who aspire to grow as leaders

Participant Testimonials

"Perhaps the most value-creating session I've attended. For me, an increased awareness of empathic communication will greatly contribute to how I shape my leadership."


“He had my attention from the beginning to the end. It was a really good session; even though we were tired after a complete week, I enjoyed the session every minute!”


​"Very good with multiple layers of reasoning around why behaviors occur, how one reacts, and the needs behind them. Very thought-provoking."


"Fun with a bit of different approach. Really good with tangible techniques. Loved the exercise where we were to just listen to each other. Very effective tool!"


"Hard to turn the gaze inward, but oh so beneficial. To turn off the autopilot and dare to rest in the silence and the gap. Why are we so harsh on ourselves?"

Media Highlights

Lycka ger framgång. Interview with Lasse Lychnell in Flervärden
Meditera dig till toppen! Interview with Lasse Lychnell in Dagens Industri
Dags att meditera! Interview with Lasse Lychnell in Civilekonomen

Selected Publications & Presentations

My current research focuses on three areas: work-related posttraumatic growth, relational leadership, and mindfulness-based interventions in corporations. Below, you will find a selection of my publications and presentations from over the years.

Att växa som människa och ledare [Growing as a human being and leader] (2023) Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 100(3).


Exploring connection as the substrate of the relational leadership craft (2023) With Dag Jansson. Presented at the 21st International Studying Leadership Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.


On Becoming a Spiritual Manager (2022) Presented at the 82nd Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA.


How Does Emotional Intelligence Feel? (2022) I E. Ivanova & I. Rimanoczy (Red.), Revolutionizing Sustainability Education. Stories and Tools of Mindset Transformation. Routledge. 


Mindfulness-based Interventions in Context (2020) I S. Dhiman (Red.) The Routledge Companion of Mindfulness at Work. Routledge.


Dance Meditation (2019). Professional Development Workshop presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, USA



Addressing the SDGs of Gender Equality and Reduced Inequalities by Working in an Integrative Manner (2018) Professional Development Workshop presented at the Innovative Pedagogies for Developing a Sustainability Mindset. Montepulciano, Italy.


When Work Becomes Meditation (2017) Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 14(3), 255–275 


Being Awake at Work (2015) â€‹Presented at The Spirituality and Creativity in Management World Congress. Barcelona, Spain.


Perspektiv på förändring: om en förändringsresa på Sveriges television [Perspectives on Change: on a Transformatio Journey at The Swedish Television] (2013) With Pär Mårtensson och Johanna Frelin. SSE Institute for Research.

IT-relaterad verksamhetsförändring. Processer som formar växelspelet mellan utveckling och användning (2010) [IT-related organizational change. Processes shaping the interplay between development and use.] PhD dissertation. The Economic Research Institute at Stockholm School of Economics (EFI).


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